Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Emoticon Chat Facebook ... | Baru ....

Bosen kan sama emoticon Facebook yang cuma itu itu aja.

Nih aku kasih emoticon Facebook yang keren ....

Kode ICON :

[[243344945733611]] = Repost
[[mahochat]] = Maho
[[203443053077888]] = I Love Kaskus
[[205827876172490]] = Bingung
[[261018420628968]] = Thumbs
[[328740787138287]] = Nope
[[296027833771776]] = Capede
[[311851138846391]] = Alay
[[guengakak]] = Ngakak
[[171108522930776]] = trollface
[[foreveralonecomics]] = forever alone.
[[MegustaMeMe]] = Me Gusta.
[[149333368464171]] = Yao.
[[145768898802324]] = FUUUUUU.
[[168456309878025]] = LoL.
[[FapFapFapFap.B]] = Fap Fap Fap Fap.
[[106043532814443]] = Y U NO.
[[214457085240151]] = Nothing to do here.
[[129627277060203]] = Poker Face.
[[160723207280093]] = Are you fu*cking kidding me?
[[ChallengeAceptado]] = Challenge Accepted

Kode Huruf :

[[244961858909298]] = A
[[344113652270150]] = B
[[344991278847613]] = C
[[164461493653696]] = D
[[196752423751220]] = E
[[301630573215430]] = F
[[251496118250464]] = G
[[266394220086654]] = H
[[164866556948132]] = I
[[180599335371968]] = J 
[[209067005843651]] = K
[[238594039545396]] = L 
[[147702285338528]] = M
[[309221402452022]] = N
[[180901405340714]] = O
[[246506925416551]] = P 
[[333343613344059]] = Q
[[123128367803569]] = R
[[316143388416019]] = S
[[334073456605673]] = T
[[199626093460643]] = U
[[224202614323263]] = V
[[336032459740792]] = W
[[205228226232732]] = X
[[142420399202282]] = Y
[[157919817645224]] = Z

Emoticon Facebook yang bisa gerak :

kitty wearing headphones: [[126138614064758]] 
puppy licking the camera: [[126229577388995]]
Dog in underpants hanging from a washing string: [[126226617389291]] 
seesaw: [[126218570723429]]
white mouse sweeping the floor: [[126229860722300]]
Sleeping smiley: [[394930959230]]
Puppy licking the camera: [[126229577388995]]
Puppy: [[126218157390137]]
Worm [[126230880722198]]
Butterfly: [[126216480723638]]
Lion: [[389448181885]]
Pikachu fight: [[126229700722316]]
Hello Kitty / Tweety bird: [[126228947389058]]
Puppies: [[389448871885]]

Lagi :

[[362237430487357]] sad
[[362237447154022]] angel
[[362237470487353]] attention
[[362237480487352]] beurk
[[362237497154017]] big smile
[[362237540487346]] bof
[[362237567154010]] cat
[[362237593820674]] cool
[[362237610487339]] cry
[[362237643820669]] devil
[[362237677153999]] dunno
[[362237700487330]] eating
[[362237727153994]] fiouh
[[362237747153992]] heart
[[362237793820654]] hehe
[[362237850487315]] hein
[[362237867153980]] humpf
[[362237877153979]] hourra
[[362237897153977]] kiss
[[362237907153976]] lalala
[[362237917153975]] lol
[[362237970487303]] mad
[[362238013820632]] missed
[[362238070487293]] neutral
[[362238117153955]] nice
[[362238133820620]] nope
[[362238153820618]] nyan
[[362238170487283]] robot
[[362238190487281]] rock head
[[362238220487278]] shock
[[362238253820608]] small
[[362238287153938]] smile
[[362238313820602]] tongue up
[[362238333820600]] whoa
[[362238400487260]] wink
[[362238417153925]] working hard
[[362238433820590]] X(
[[362238457153921]] X)
[[362238487153918]] XD
[[362238500487250]] Xq
[[329135803797520]] plane
[[329135820464185]] angel
[[329135840464183]] angry
[[329135853797515]] bad
[[329135873797513]] beer
[[329135897130844]] bowl
[[329135923797508]] boy
[[329135930464174]] brb
[[329135960464171]] cake
[[329135987130835]] camera
[[329136013797499]] car
[[329136037130830]] cat
[[329136063797494]] cigarette
[[329136083797492]] clock
[[329136127130821]] coffee
[[329136157130818]] coins
[[329136210464146]] computer
[[329136230464144]] confused
[[329136240464143]] console
[[329136250464142]] crying
[[329136277130806]] devil
[[329136300464137]] dog
[[329136323797468]] don't know
[[329136337130800]] drink
[[329136357130798]] embarrassed
[[329136390464128]] eyeroll
[[329136413797459]] film
[[329136433797457]] fingers crossed
[[329136443797456]] foot in mouth
[[329136463797454]] girl
[[329136487130785]] glasses cool
[[329136510464116]] glasses nerdy
[[329136533797447]] good
[[329136563797444]] handcuffs
[[329136593797441]] highfive
[[329136610464106]] hug left
[[329136627130771]] hug right
[[329136633797437]] island
[[329136640464103]] kiss
[[329136647130769]] lamp
[[329136663797434]] laugh
[[329136680464099]] love
[[329136690464098]] love over
[[329136700464097]] mail
[[329136717130762]] mobile
[[329136747130759]] moon
[[329136783797422]] musical note
[[329136790464088]] neutral
[[329136817130752]] party
[[329136847130749]] phone
[[329136873797413]] pizza
[[329136893797411]] plate
[[329136917130742]] present
[[329136933797407]] question
[[329136953797405]] quiet
[[329136963797404]] rain
[[329136983797402]] rainbow
[[329137003797400]] rose
[[329137010464066]] dead rose
[[329137027130731]] sad
[[329137050464062]] sarcastic
[[329137083797392]] secret
[[329137107130723]] sheep
[[329137143797386]] shock
[[329137177130716]] sick
[[329137197130714]] sleepy
[[329137223797378]] smile
[[329137240464043]] snail
[[329137270464040]] soccerball
[[329137297130704]] star
[[329137307130703]] sun
[[329137323797368]] teeth
[[329137340464033]] thinking
[[329137360464031]] thunder
[[329137380464029]] tongue
[[329137400464027]] turtle
[[329137443797356]] umbrella
[[329137473797353]] vampire
[[329137490464018]] wink
Dislike Icon - [[139407806171115]]
Like Icon - [[333181686710881]]
Inverted Like Icon - [[180601488705317]]
Fuck You Icon- [[271996562858337]]
Faceless Smiley Icon - [[155780251191882]]
ugly smiley: [[348357068525962]]
mad smiley: [[348367578524911]]
minecraft diamond: [[273259289398601]]

Aslinya masih banyak ... tapi lain waktu aja yah ...

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